Friday 20 May 2016

Fallout 4 - Sanctuary Build

Here is my build for the Sanctuary settlement in Fallout 4. This and Starlight Drive In were the first settlements I worked on in the game. I created this before getting the expansion, so most of what is here is using the games base elements.

I kept the front gate very basic. I had it more complicated originally, but all the provisioners and brahmin kept getting stuck outside and glitching. I stuck with a simple gate and lots of fencing/turrets!

Most of the houses have been cleared and blocked off so settlers can't go in them. I surrounded the entire neighborhood in junk fences. There are only a handful of entrances, all are heavily guarded with turrets.

I did keep up and decorate the characters old house:

As well as the Yellow workbench house:

By far, the best house is the blue home I turned into a Tower!

The house underneath is decorated and looks decent inside:

But the Tower is all about the upper levels! Places for settlers to sleep and relax, a bar and guns:

The very upper level has it's own chair and bed so the person manning the watch tower never has to leave...

I turned the central lot into a market with every type of stall. I really love how the settlers will gather around the bar once their work is over for the day!

You may notice pretty much all settlers have army on... except Marcy. This is intentional. Marcy is the worst, so she gets no protection.

As this was my first time paying with the build feature I ran into some issues due to not knowing the  build limits for height/stuff. My tower was originally supposed to be much higher. C'est la vie!

I did get some inspiration for this build from the internet. I knew I wanted to make a tower with a circling staircase so I Googled "Fallout 4 Tower". I came across this image which was the main inspiration for my tower:

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